Determinatoren in het Frans

In French grammar, it is important to learn what determiners are and how they are used. These linguistic components play a vital role in the structure and comprehension of French sentences. In this article, we will explore the various types of determiners in French, their functions, and how they contribute to effective communication.


What are determiners in French?

To begin with, it’s essential to grasp the concept of determiners themselves. In the French language, determiners are words that precede nouns and provide essential information about the noun they modify. They serve to specify whether the noun is definite or indefinite, quantify it, or indicate possession. Without determiners, sentences in French would lack the necessary clarity and precision.



There are several categories of determiners in French, each serving a unique purpose. These categories include articles, demonstratives, possessives, indefinites, and interrogatives. Let’s explore these categories one by one.

  1. Artikelen: Articles are perhaps the most common type of determiners in French. They can be divided into two main groups: definite and indefinite.
    1. Bepaalde Artikelen: These include “le”, “la”, “les”en “l'”, which correspond to the English equivalent of “the”. They are used to refer to specific nouns that the speaker and listener both understand. For example, “le chat” means “the cat”.
    2. Onbepaalde artikelen: “Un” en “une” correspond to “a” or “an” in English, and they are used when referring to non-specific nouns. For instance, “un livre” means “a book”.
  2. Demonstratives: Demonstrative determiners in French are used to indicate which specific noun you are referring to. Common examples include “ce”, “cette”, “ces”en “cet”. Bijvoorbeeld, “cette voiture” translates to “this car.”
  3. Possessives: Possessive determiners in French indicate ownership or possession. They agree in gender and number with the noun they modify. Common possessive determiners include “mon”, “ma”, “mes”, “ton”, “ta”, “tes”, “son”, “sa”, “ses”, “notre”, “votre”en “leur”. Bijvoorbeeld, “mon chien” means “my dog”.
  4. Indefinites: Indefinite determiners in French, such as “chaque”, “quelque”en “plusieurs”, are used to express a non-specific quantity or quality of a noun. For example, “quelque chose” means “something”.
  5. Ondervragingen: Interrogative determiners are used in questions to inquire about a specific noun. Common interrogative determiners include “quel” en “quelle”. Bijvoorbeeld, “Quel livre préférez-vous ?” translates to “Which book do you prefer?”


Examples of how determiners are used in French

Here is a list of examples demonstrating how determiners are used in French:


1. Articles


A. Definite Articles

  • Le chien (De hond)
  • La fleur (The flower)
  • Les enfants (The children)
  • L’oiseau (The bird)


B. Indefinite Articles

  • Un livre (A book)
  • Une pomme (An apple)
  • Des amis (Some friends)
  • J’ai vu un chat. (I saw a cat.)


2. Demonstratives

  • Ce stylo (This pen)
  • Cette maison (This house)
  • Ces voitures (These cars)
  • Cet arbre (This tree)


3. Possessives

  • Mon vélo (My bike)
  • Ta sœur (Your sister)
  • Son ordinateur (His/her computer)
  • Leur maison (Their house)


4. Indefinites

  • Chaque jour (Every day)
  • Quelque chose (Something)
  • Plusieurs livres (Several books)
  • Aucun problème (No problem)


5. Interrogatives

  • Quel film aimes-tu ? (Which movie do you like?)
  • Quelle robe préfères-tu ? (Which dress do you prefer?)
  • Quels amis viendront ? (Which friends will come?)
  • Quelle heure est-il ? (Hoe laat is het?)


These examples showcase how different types of determiners are used in French to specify nouns, indicate possession, quantify, and ask questions.