“Dormir” – Conjugation of the French Verb

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Dormir, which means “to sleep” in French, is a common and important verb in the language. Like many other verbs in French, it follows a specific pattern of conjugation. In this article, we will explore how to conjugate the verb dormir in various tenses and moods.


Present Tense (Présent)

In the present tense, dormir is conjugated as follows:

– Je dors (I sleep)
– Tu dors (You sleep)
– Il/elle/on dort (He/she/one sleeps)
– Nous dormons (We sleep)
– Vous dormez (You sleep)
– Ils/elles dorment (They sleep)


Past Tenses (Passé Composé)

To form the past tense in French, we often use the passé composé, which is a compound tense. To conjugate dormir in the passé composé, you will need to use the auxiliary verb “avoir” and the past participle “dormi.” Here’s how it’s done:

– J’ai dormi (I slept)
– Tu as dormi (You slept)
– Il/elle/on a dormi (He/she/one slept)
– Nous avons dormi (We slept)
– Vous avez dormi (You slept)
– Ils/elles ont dormi (They slept)


Imperfect Tense (Imparfait)

The imperfect tense is used to describe ongoing actions or states in the past. To conjugate dormir in the imperfect tense, you will use the following forms:

– Je dormais (I was sleeping)
– Tu dormais (You were sleeping)
– Il/elle/on dormait (He/she/one was sleeping)
– Nous dormions (We were sleeping)
– Vous dormiez (You were sleeping)
– Ils/elles dormaient (They were sleeping)


Future Tense (Futur Simple)

To express actions that will happen in the future, you can use the future tense. To conjugate dormir in the future tense, you can follow this pattern:

– Je dormirai (I will sleep)
– Tu dormiras (You will sleep)
– Il/elle/on dormira (He/she/one will sleep)
– Nous dormirons (We will sleep)
– Vous dormirez (You will sleep)
– Ils/elles dormiront (They will sleep)


Conditional Mood (Conditionnel)

The conditional mood is used to express hypothetical or uncertain actions. To conjugate dormir in the conditional mood, you can use the following forms:

– Je dormirais (I would sleep)
– Tu dormirais (You would sleep)
– Il/elle/on dormirait (He/she/one would sleep)
– Nous dormirions (We would sleep)
– Vous dormiriez (You would sleep)
– Ils/elles dormiraient (They would sleep)


10 example sentences with the word “dormir”

Here are 10 example sentences with the word “dormir” in different grammatical tenses:

  1. Je dors tranquillement. (I am sleeping peacefully.) – Present tense
  2. Tu as dormi toute la nuit. (You slept all night.) – Past tense (Passé Composé)
  3. Il dormait quand je suis arrivé. (He was sleeping when I arrived.) – Imperfect tense
  4. Nous dormirons bientôt. (We will sleep soon.) – Future tense
  5. Elles dormiraient si elles le pouvaient. (They would sleep if they could.) – Conditional mood
  6. Quand tu dormiras, je lirai un livre. (When you sleep, I will read a book.) – Future tense (Future of the Past)
  7. Le bébé ne veut pas dormir. (The baby doesn’t want to sleep.) – Present tense
  8. Après avoir dormi toute la journée, il se sentait mieux. (After sleeping all day, he felt better.) – Past tense (Passé Composé)
  9. Si nous ne dormons pas suffisamment, nous sommes fatigués. (If we don’t sleep enough, we are tired.) – Present tense
  10. Je me demande combien d’heures j’ai dormi cette nuit. (I wonder how many hours I slept last night.) – Past tense (Passé Composé)
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