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Try the AI tutor nowWords that start with the letter B in Spanish cover a range of common objects, actions, and concepts. Here’s a complete list with short descriptions for each term.
- Baca – Roof rack; a frame or platform mounted on the roof of a vehicle for carrying luggage or other items.
- Bache – Pothole; a depression or hole in the road surface.
- Bailar – To dance; the action of moving rhythmically to music.
- Bajo – Short or low; also means bass in music or a low musical note.
- Balanza – Scale; a device used for weighing objects.
- Balsa – Raft; a flat structure used for floating on water.
- Bancario – Banking; related to the activities and operations of banks.
- Bandera – Flag; a piece of fabric with a design used as a symbol or emblem.
- Bañera – Bathtub; a container used for bathing.
- Bajo – Low; used to describe something that is not high in position or level.
- Batería – Battery; a device that stores electrical energy for later use.
- Beber – To drink; the act of consuming liquids.
- Belleza – Beauty; the quality of being aesthetically pleasing.
- Bello – Beautiful; an adjective used to describe something that is visually attractive.
- Bicicleta – Bicycle; a two-wheeled vehicle powered by pedaling.
- Bien – Good; used to describe something that is morally right or satisfactory.
- Boca – Mouth; the opening in the face used for eating, speaking, and breathing.
- Bocina – Horn; a device used to make a loud noise, often found in vehicles.
- Bolsa – Bag; a container used for carrying items.
- Bomba – Bomb or pump; can refer to an explosive device or a machine used for moving fluids.
- Borrador – Eraser or draft; an item used to remove pencil marks or a preliminary version of a written work.
- Botella – Bottle; a container for liquids, typically with a narrow neck.
- Buey – Ox; a domesticated bovine animal used for work or meat.
- Bufanda – Scarf; a piece of clothing worn around the neck for warmth or fashion.
- Buitre – Vulture; a bird of prey known for scavenging on carrion.
- Bulldog – Bulldog; a breed of dog known for its muscular build and wrinkled face.
- Bumerán – Boomerang; a curved, flat tool that returns to the thrower when thrown correctly.
- Búho – Owl; a nocturnal bird of prey with distinctive facial features and a silent flight.
This list highlights a variety of terms starting with B in Spanish, showcasing their diverse uses and meanings.
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