Adjective endings in German can be daunting for learners, but understanding the basic rules can simplify the learning process significantly. By following clear guidelines, you can master the use of adjective endings in no time. Let's look into the rules and examples to make German adjective endings simple and manageable.
Rule 1: Adjective Endings with Definite Articles (der, die, das)
When an adjective directly precedes a definite article (der, die, das), the adjective takes the following endings:
- Masculine (der): -e
- Feminine (die): -e
- Neuter (das): -e
- Plural (die): -en
- Der schnelle Mann (The fast man)
- Die schöne Frau (The beautiful woman)
- Das kleine Kind (The small child)
- Die guten Bücher (The good books)
Rule 2: Adjective Endings with Indefinite Articles (ein, eine)
With indefinite articles (ein, eine), adjectives take slightly different endings:
- Masculine (ein): -er
- Feminine (eine): -e
- Neuter (ein): -es
- Plural (kein): -en
- Ein alter Mann (An old man)
- Eine nette Frau (A nice woman)
- Ein kleines Kind (A small child)
- Keine guten Bücher (No good books)
Rule 3: Adjective Endings with No Article (Nullartikel)
When there is no article preceding the noun, adjectives usually take the following endings:
- Masculine: -er
- Feminine: -e
- Neuter: -es
- Plural: -e
- Großer Tisch (Big table)
- Kleine Katze (Small cat)
- Schönes Haus (Beautiful house)
- Gute Bücher (Good books)
Rule 4: Adjective Endings after Possessive Pronouns
Adjectives following possessive pronouns adopt the same endings as those with indefinite articles.
- Mein neues Auto (My new car)
- Dein schönes Haus (Your beautiful house)
- Ihr kleines Kind (Her small child)
- Unsere guten Freunde (Our good friends)