Here’s a list of French verbs that start with the letter “N”:
List of French verbs starting with N
- nager: to swim
- nantir: to pledge
- napalmer: to bomb with napalm
- napper: to coat
- narguer: to taunt
- narrer: to narrate
- nasaliser: to nasalize
- nasiller: to speak nasally
- nationaliser: to nationalize
- natter: to braid
- naturaliser: to naturalize
- naviguer: to navigate
- navrer: to sadden
- naître: to be born
- neiger: to snow
- nervurer: to vein
- nettoyer: to clean
- neutraliser: to neutralize
- nicher: to nest
- nickeler: to plate with nickel
- nidifier: to build a nest
- nieller: to inlay
- nier: to deny
- nimber: to surround with a halo
- nipper: to dress
- niquer: to screw (slang)
- nitrifier: to nitrate
- niveler: to level
- noircir: to blacken
- nolis: to charter
- nommer: to name
- normaliser: to normalize
- noter: to note
- notifier: to notify
- nouer: to tie
- nourrir: to feed
- noyauter: to infiltrate
- noyer: to drown
- nuancer: to shade
- nuire: to harm
- numériser: to digitize
- numéroter: to number
- nécessiter: to require
- nécroser: to necrotize
- négliger: to neglect
- négocier: to negotiate