“Fare” – Conjugation of the Italian Verb

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Italian grammar, like many Romance languages, is rich in verb conjugations. One fundamental verb that you’ll encounter frequently is “fare”, which means “to do” or “to make.” In this article, we’ll look into the conjugation of “fare” in different tenses and moods in Italian grammar.

Present Tense

In the present tense, “fare” conjugates as follows:

  • Io faccio (I do/make)
  • Tu fai (You do/make)
  • Egli/ella fa (He/she does/makes)
  • Noi facciamo (We do/make)
  • Voi fate (You all do/make)
  • Essi/esse fanno (They do/make)

Past Tense

In the past tense, “fare” conjugates using the auxiliary verb “avere” (to have). Here are the conjugations:

  • Io ho fatto (I did/made)
  • Tu hai fatto (You did/made)
  • Egli/ella ha fatto (He/she did/made)
  • Noi abbiamo fatto (We did/made)
  • Voi avete fatto (You all did/made)
  • Essi/esse hanno fatto (They did/made)

Future Tense

To express future actions with “fare”, use the future tense conjugations:

  • Io farò (I will do/make)
  • Tu farai (You will do/make)
  • Egli/ella farà (He/she will do/make)
  • Noi faremo (We will do/make)
  • Voi farete (You all will do/make)
  • Essi/esse faranno (They will do/make)

Conditional Mood

In the conditional mood, “fare” expresses actions that would happen under certain conditions. The conjugations are:

  • Io farei (I would do/make)
  • Tu faresti (You would do/make)
  • Egli/ella farebbe (He/she would do/make)
  • Noi faremmo (We would do/make)
  • Voi fareste (You all would do/make)
  • Essi/esse farebbero (They would do/make)

Imperative Mood

The imperative mood is used to give commands or make requests. The imperative conjugations of “fare” are:

  • Fa’ (Do/Make – singular, informal)
  • Fai (Do/Make – singular, formal)
  • Faciamo (Let’s do/make)
  • Fate (Do/Make – plural)

Subjunctive Mood

In the subjunctive mood, “fare” is used to express doubt, uncertainty, or subjective desires. The conjugations include:

  • Che io faccia (That I do/make)
  • Che tu faccia (That you do/make)
  • Che egli/ella faccia (That he/she does/makes)
  • Che noi facciamo (That we do/make)
  • Che voi facciate (That you all do/make)
  • Che essi/esse facciano (That they do/make)

Examples of Usage

Here are some examples of how the verb “fare” can be used in different contexts:

  1. Present Tense:

    • Io faccio la spesa al supermercato. (I do the grocery shopping at the supermarket.)
    • Maria fa la torta per la festa. (Maria makes the cake for the party.)
  2. Past Tense:

    • Abbiamo fatto una passeggiata al parco ieri sera. (We took a walk in the park last night.)
    • Marco ha fatto un viaggio in Giappone l’anno scorso. (Marco took a trip to Japan last year.)
  3. Future Tense:

    • Domani farò i compiti per la scuola. (Tomorrow I will do my homework for school.)
    • La prossima settimana faremo una gita in montagna. (Next week we will go on a trip to the mountains.)
  4. Conditional Mood:

    • Se avessi più soldi, farei un viaggio intorno al mondo. (If I had more money, I would take a trip around the world.)
    • Farei volontariato se avessi più tempo libero. (I would volunteer if I had more free time.)
  5. Imperative Mood:

    • Fai attenzione quando attraversi la strada! (Pay attention when you cross the street!)
    • Faciamo una pausa e prendiamo un caffè. (Let’s take a break and have a coffee.)
  6. Subjunctive Mood:

    • Mi dispiace che tu non faccia parte della squadra. (I’m sorry that you are not part of the team.)
    • Spero che Maria faccia bene all’esame. (I hope Maria does well on the exam.)

These examples illustrate how “fare” can be used in various situations to express actions, intentions, and desires in Italian.

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