Words that starts with J in Danish

In Danish, words starting with the letter J encompass a variety of meanings and uses. Here’s a comprehensive list of such words along with brief descriptions:

  • Jagt – Meaning “hunting”, this word is used in the context of pursuing wild animals for sport or food.
  • Jagtform – This term refers to the “hunting form” or “hunting style”, describing different methods or practices used in hunting.
  • Jagtvåben – Translating to “hunting weapon”, this word encompasses various tools or firearms used in the practice of hunting.
  • Jalousi – This word means “jealousy”, reflecting the emotional state of feeling envious or resentful.
  • Jammer – Meaning “lament” or “complaint”, this term is used to express sorrow or dissatisfaction.
  • Jern – The Danish word for “iron”, which is a common metal used in various applications.
  • Jernbane – Translating to “railway”, this word is used to describe the system of tracks and trains for transportation.
  • Jernbanestation – This means “train station”, a facility where trains stop for passengers to embark or disembark.
  • Jord – This word means “earth” or “soil”, referring to the ground or land.
  • Jordbær – Translating to “strawberry”, this word denotes the sweet, red fruit.
  • Jordkæde – Meaning “earth chain”, this term refers to a type of geological or environmental connection.
  • Jordskælv – This word means “earthquake”, describing the shaking of the ground caused by seismic activity.
  • Juleaften – Translating to “Christmas Eve”, this is the evening before Christmas Day, celebrated with various traditions.
  • Julegaver – Meaning “Christmas gifts”, this term refers to presents exchanged during the Christmas season.
  • Juletræ – This word means “Christmas tree”, a decorated tree associated with the holiday celebrations.
  • Juridisk – Translating to “legal” or “juridical”, this term is used in contexts related to the law and legal matters.
  • Juridisk person – Meaning “legal entity”, this term refers to an organization or corporation recognized as a person in legal terms.
  • Jury – This word is used to describe a group of people sworn to render a verdict in a legal case.
  • Jus – Translating to “juice”, this refers to the liquid extracted from fruits or vegetables.
  • Juster – Meaning “to adjust”, this verb is used when making changes or modifications to achieve a desired result.
  • Justeringsskruen – Translating to “adjustment screw”, this refers to a type of screw used to make precise adjustments.
  • Jule – This prefix relates to Christmas, as seen in other words such as “Juleaften” or “Julegaver.”
  • Jungel – Meaning “jungle”, this term describes a dense, tropical forest.
  • Junk – This word refers to “junk” or “rubbish”, denoting discarded or unwanted items.
  • Junkfood – Translating to “junk food”, this term describes unhealthy, often processed food.

Each of these Danish words starting with J opens up a variety of meanings and contexts, reflecting the richness of the language.