Words that starts with G in German

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If you're interested in expanding your German vocabulary, here's a comprehensive list of words that start with the letter G, along with brief descriptions of each:

  • Gabel – Fork; a utensil used for eating.
  • Garten – Garden; a space for growing plants or flowers.
  • Gas – Gas; a state of matter used for fuel or in various chemical processes.
  • Geld – Money; a medium of exchange for goods and services.
  • Geschenk – Gift; something given voluntarily without payment in return.
  • Gleich – Same or immediately; used to denote equality or promptness.
  • Glas – Glass; a material used for windows or drinking vessels.
  • Glocke – Bell; a device that makes a ringing sound, often used for signaling.
  • Glück – Happiness or luck; a state of well-being or fortune.
  • Gras – Grass; a common green plant found in lawns and fields.
  • Groß – Big or tall; used to describe size or importance.
  • Guten – Good; a positive or favorable quality.
  • Geldbörse – Wallet; a small case for carrying money and cards.
  • Gespür – Instinct or intuition; a natural ability to understand or sense something.
  • Geschichte – History or story; the study of past events or a narrative.
  • Gesundheit – Health; the condition of being free from illness or injury.
  • Glühbirne – Light bulb; a device that produces light when electricity passes through it.
  • Gesicht – Face; the front part of the head that includes the eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Gitter – Grid or lattice; a framework of metal bars or wires.
  • Gehirn – Brain; the organ in the head responsible for thought and coordination.

These words offer a glimpse into various aspects of life and objects, enhancing your understanding of the German language.

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