Here is a comprehensive list of adjectives starting with the letter A:
Positive Adjectives Starting with A
Abundant (abundant)
Acceptable (acceptable)
Acclaimed (acclaimed)
Accomplished (accomplished)
Adaptable (adaptable)
Admirable (admirable)
Adorable (adorable)
Adventurous (adventurous)
Affable (affable)
Affectionate (affectionate)
Agreeable (agreeable)
Alluring (alluring)
Amazing (amazing)
Ambitious (ambitious)
Amiable (amiable)
Ample (ample)
Amusing (amusing)
Angelic (angelic)
Appreciative (appreciative)
Astonishing (astonishing)
Astounding (astounding)
Athletic (athletic)
Attractive (attractive)
Auspicious (auspicious)
Authentic (authentic)
Awesome (awesome)
Negative Adjectives Starting with A
Abrasive (abrasive)
Absent (absent)
Abnormal (abnormal)
Abrupt (abrupt)
Absurd (absurd)
Abusive (abusive)
Addicted (addicted)
Adverse (adverse)
Afraid (afraid)
Aggressive (aggressive)
Agonizing (agonizing)
Aimless (aimless)
Alarming (alarming)
Aloof (aloof)
Ambiguous (ambiguous)
Ambivalent (ambivalent)
Angry (angry)
Annoying (annoying)
Antagonistic (antagonistic)
Anxious (anxious)
Appalling (appalling)
Arrogant (arrogant)
Artificial (artificial)
Ashamed (ashamed)
Asinine (asinine)
Asleep (asleep)
Astonished (astonished)
Atrocious (atrocious)
Awful (awful)
Neutral Adjectives Starting with A
Abundant (abundant)
Accurate (accurate)
Adequate (adequate)
Affordable (affordable)
Aged (aged)
Agile (agile)
Airborne (airborne)
Alien (alien)
Alike (alike)
Alive (alive)
Ample (ample)
Ancient (ancient)
Annual (annual)
Antique (antique)
Apparent (apparent)
Appropriate (appropriate)
Arctic (arctic)
Artificial (artificial)
Artistic (artistic)
Ashen (ashen)
Asian (asian)
Average (average)
Aware (aware)
Awkward (awkward)